Happy Hour: The Sea Spritz

Wine glasses | Botanical prints

Happy Friday! This weekend marks the third anniversary of my blog, so I thought I'd post a cocktail recipe to celebrate! One of my favorite simple cocktails is the sea breeze - it's pretty much all I drank on our honeymoon in Aruba, and now I make them a lot in the summer, and especially when Kenny and I go to the beach! Today's recipe, the "sea spritz," is my take on the sea breeze - it's kind of like a sea breeze meets a vodka soda; simple, crisp, and refreshing. Perfection! 


  • 2oz vodka (or use your favorite clear liquor!)
  • 1-2oz cranberry juice, to taste (I prefer Ocean Spray 100% cranberry juice)
  • 4oz grapefruit sparkling water 
  • Cranberries, grapefruit, or lime to garnish


  1. In a glass, add the vodka and cranberry juice and stir to combine (you could also shake them in a cocktail shaker). 
  2. Add the sparkling water and stir gently to combine. 
  3. Top with ice and garnish with cranberries, a grapefruit slice and a lime wheel! 

I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Extra special thank you to all of you who have been supporting my blog for the past three years, you know who you are! Cheers my loves! 

xoxx, Laura

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