Happy 2022!

Sequin pants (2, 3) | Sweater
Headband | Earrings | Heels

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm popping in with a late Saturday post to say what's up! I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year's. Mine was low key as expected, maybe even more so than last year! Kenny and I spent Christmas Eve with my parents and my brother just hanging out. My dad grilled burgers for dinner since it was really nice out and then we drove around and looked at Christmas lights, then came home and watched Home Alone and played rummy. I made mulled wine for the first time and it was about as good as I expected it would be! I figured it could go either way, but I liked it. 😂

Between Christmas and New Year's, I didn't do too much of anything! Two of my best friends were home so we had a wine and cheese night which we always make sure to do when we're home for the holidays, and we got dinner together at our favorite place another night. My mom and I had a sushi date one day for lunch which we usually do the week after Christmas, and my parents and I also took a little shopping trip to Charlottesville one day too - I made out pretty well with the after Christmas sales! I got a new burgundy crossbody bag, a couple of sweaters, some wine glasses, and a set of Spode Christmas champagne flutes which I was particularly excited about! We also hit up Trader Joe's, which is always a must.

For New Year's Eve, I hung out with my brother for most of the day until he headed over to his girlfriend's family's house. Then I shared some prosecco with my mom over at my parents' before Kenny and I picked up some takeout and went over to our friends' place for a low-key night in! We played some games and watched the countdown, and then went home and slept SO good. 😂 Today Kenny is home celebrating one of his friends who recently got into med school, so Roxy and I have been keeping it VERY low-key at the house, doing a little cleaning and a lot of hanging around.

I know the holidays are said and done (boo!) but I still wanted to share this fun sparkly look I wore a few days ago because I wear something like this pretty much every holiday season at some point. Sequin pants are surprisingly easy to wear, and so much fun! These leggings are from H&M a couple of years ago, but there are always a bunch of great sequin pants out this time of year! These are super similar to mine and they're currently on sale, and I also love these wider-leg ones, also on sale.

I also want to shout out these earrings! They're under $10 on Amazon and super cute and sparkly. The tails were originally almost twice as long, but I trimmed them with a pair of sharp scissors so that they suited me better. Easy!

I hope you have the most fulfilling and fun new year! I'll see you back here next week for my December favorites, my top favorites of 2021, and a fun winter outfit!

xoxx, Laura


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