Straw Hats for Summer


Heyooo! I'm (regretfully) back from vacation, but that means I'm back to the blog! I missed you! Today I'm talking straw hats - they're one of my most-worn summer accessories, so I wanted to share a roundup of my favorites, along with some of my favorite ways I've styled them from the past couple of years for some outfit inspiration.

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Original post | Hat
Original post | Hat
Original post | Hat

Scroll through the widget below to see my favorite straw hats (panama hats, boater hats...) this season, most of which are under $30, and all of which are under $70!  
This panama hat is the first one I got a few years back, and it's from Amazon! I've worn it a ton and traveled with it and it's still in perfect condition, I'd definitely recommend it. It comes in a bunch of different colors, too. I just got this one for vacation, and it's become a fast favorite! It's sturdy and comes in a version with a black ribbon, too and I love both. I also have my eye on this one from Lack of Color - I love the tone of it, the brim width is perfect, and I like that it doesn't have any sort of ribbon around it like most panama hats do.

I hope you're having a great week so far, we're almost to Friday! I might be back tomorrow, might not, but either way I'll talk to you next week!

xoxx, Laura

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