Flower Farmer

At this point when I mention Alyssa, you should know who I'm talking about. She's a household name on Shenandoah Sugar! Today I'm sharing one of our summertime shoots, which happens to be my favorite one that we've ever done. She invited me to her family's farm where she has a flower garden and let me play flower farmer as the sun set! I'm not ready to let summer go quite yet, and I'm paying tribute to my favorite season with these colorful photos. 😍

This is the dress I'm wearing in the photos, and it was perfect! I highly recommend it, it's a canvas-y denim material, but still has girly details like the puff sleeves and the tie belt. It also comes in classic blue denim, and is available in plus size!

How fab is this hat? It's sold out, but I linked some similar ones here, and also found this one on Amazon that's affordable and looks so cute!

When my brother and I were younger, we planted some SERIOUS gardens at my grandparents' house. I'm talking corn, tomatoes, cabbage, beets, potatoes, carrots, beans, cucumbers, pumpkins and gourds, melons... And then of course, flowers! The varieties we chose each year varied (my granddad and I always had fun going through seed catalogs and making selections), but we always made sure to have sunflowers, cosmos, and zinnias! We spent so much time back in that garden (although my granddad did most of the watering, weeding, and upkeep after we did the initial planting, ha). We always chose our best produce and flowers to enter in the county fair each year, and we always won a bunch of ribbons! It was fun that lasted all summer long, those will always be some of my favorite memories.







Fun fact: zinnias don't really have a scent. But if you're doing a floral photo shoot, don't you have to take photos smelling the flowers? Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers, they're the unsung heroes of the summer flower scene. You won't really see them in bouquets or arrangements, but they're so colorful, easy to grow, and bloom for weeks!

I love how you can see the progression of the sun setting. 😍

Alyssa took this photo through a short piece of copper pipe! It's such an unexpected yet simple way to create such a striking effect, I love seeing photos where she uses that technique!

@HunterBoots, need a new model?? My knees and I are available. 😂 These are the original short style in hunter green, and they're the best! Obviously they're great for rainy days, but I really got them for days where I didn't want to get "regular" shoes dirty (you know, like when you're traipsing around a flower garden, the cultivation of which you had nothing to do with). They're perfect for gardening or walking through a pumpkin patch!

Last but not least, the perfect shot of Alyssa's little kitty walking along the edge of the garden. 😍 We're cat people on here Shenandoah Sugar, cats are just too pure. I mean just look at him!

I hope you have a wonderful, colorful, warm, glowy weekend (remember... it's still summer 😇).

xoxx, Laura

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