Must-Have Hoop Earrings

Five years ago if you would've told me I'd be wearing hoop earrings today I would've looked at you majorly sideways. I used to hate them, I don't know why! But today, I have my own little collection of hoops, and I think it's pretty solid. Let's talk favorites:

  1. Classic: These are just that: classic. With 90's style coming back I'm seeing these more and more, but they'll always be the foundation of all other hoops. My personal preference for metal tone is silver, but obviously if you're a gold girl, then you gold, girl.
  2. Huggie: These are my most worn hoops, and have been my everyday earrings for the past few years. I featured them in my most used products of 2019 post. They're the kind of earrings you can pop in, and forget about. They're weightless, comfortable, don't get caught on anything, and don't stab you in the neck when you lay down while wearing them like traditional post earrings.
  3. Pavé: A level up from the classic hoop; at first they appear like your average hoop, but they catch the light in a way that's so beautiful and glamorous.
  4. Charm: These have been a new favorite of mine over the past month, I love that they're small but add just a little somethin-somethin that the average hoop doesn't. If you're into the "curated ear" trend, these give those trendy Maria Tash vibes for MUCH cheaper.
  5. XXL: These are newer to my collection as well, and have quickly become a favorite. They're less cumbersome than traditional hoops because they're smaller in diameter, but they still pack a punch with their thicker width.
  6. Pearl: Hoops gone preppy! I especially love these during the summertime.
  7. Acrylic: I fell hard for the acrylic earring trend when it hit a year or two ago. While there are SO many fun colors out there, I've stuck with the classics. Tortoiseshell will always be present in the accessory realm, and I think earrings are a unique way to rock it.
  8. Heart: Last but not least, these girly cuties! These are such a fun take on a classic hoop, especially now with Valentine's Day coming up.

Happy WEEKEND! On a totally random note, have you seen the Jonas Brothers' new music video?! It's SO cute, I love the song and I love when they include their wives in videos and stuff. The comeback of the JoBros has been better than I could've ever imagined, and I'm sure all my other 90's girls agree.

xoxx, Laura

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