December Favorites

HAPPY 2020! Something tells me that it's gonna be a great year. 2019 was absolutely wonderful to me. During 2019 I finally started my blog, flew for the first (four) times and traveled so many cool places, got an apartment with my fiancé, celebrated two years full time at my job, and got MARRIED, just to name a few things!

I wanted to wrap up the year the way I wrap up all months: with a favorites post! Like I’ve said in the past, favorites posts are some of my favorite posts to read, so naturally I love writing them! Stay tuned for Friday's post too, when I’ll be wrapping up my favorite products of 2019!

  1. Plaid headband: The knotted headband obsession continues with this baby; it was so fun to wear throughout the holiday season and I plan on rocking it all winter. So cute and classic! 
  2. Sparkle headband: This is just a showstopper, and a fun statement piece that isn’t jewelry. It’s a splurge for a headband but so lovely, and also comes in a golden champagne shade, as well as a multicolored option that’s just too fun. 
  3. Chubby hoops: I grabbed these on a whim one day when Kenny and I were out shopping and put them on right away because I had forgotten to wear earrings that day. Something about them is spunkier and less high maintenance than a typical larger hoop, and I love that. 
  4. Sparkle mules: I got these for the holidays and oh my are they stunning! They match tons of outfits (I love them with black skinnies) and I’ve gotten tons of compliments on them. I’m planning on wearing them to weddings this year, too! 
  5. Nashville: Kenny and I started watching Nashville on Hulu after wanting to forever, and it’s just as good as I’d hoped! If you know me you know that I’m completely enamored by Nashville and it’s culture, and watching this show makes me want to get back there ASAP! 
  6. Bath & Body Works White Jasmine: I got a hand soap in the white jasmine scent a while back and just got around to putting it out. It’s such a beautiful scent! They make body care in the scent too, but I hope they put it out in a candle! 
  7. Citrus and Spice candle: When I was little, my mom and I would stick whole cloves into oranges as "air fresheners" around the holidays. This candle smells just like that and brings back memories! I got one for my mom too, and while some of the reviews are scathing (😂), we still love it! 
  8. Turtleneck fleece: I really wanted one of the Dudley Stephens fleece pullovers after seeing them on Sydney Carver, but wasn’t about to spend $140 for a glorified sweatshirt. Luckily, I stumbled upon a Tommy Hilfiger one at TJ Maxx for much less, and got it right away! I couldn’t find it online, but I did find a comparable version from Old Navy that’s super affordable. I love it so much that I got one for both my mom and my aunt for Christmas! 
  9. Shine leggings: I grabbed these during a sale in hopes that they’d be a decent dupe for the Spanx faux leather leggings and I was pleasantly surprised at how wonderful they are! They’re a little too “crackly” to pass for faux leather, but the fit is amazing and they’re sooo comfy. I’ve seen lots of bloggers talk about them since I got them and they’ve since sold out, but I’m sure they’ll be restocking after how popular they’ve been! 
  10. Coated jeggings: I grabbed these randomly one day when I had a return at H&M that I couldn’t get store credit for, and I am SO impressed with them! They’re only $20 (!!) full price, and absolutely stunning, and not to mention, comfortable. They look great, and while I’ve never had a pair of expensive coated denim jeans, I’d say based solely on looks these stand up to the best of them. 
  11. J. Crew Nordic boots: I’ve wanted these boots for a few years now and finally snagged them on a good sale shortly before Christmas. I am SO glad I did, they’re so cute, comfy, and warm! The first day I wore them, it was in the mid-20’s outside and I was outside working for 3-4 hours in the morning, and my feet never got cold! I can’t even say that about my Uggs, which I swear by for warmth. They come with brown laces to match the leather, and red ones (my personal fave) if you want to spice it up. I highly recommend these and I would repurchase them in a heartbeat! 

I'm back to work today after a wonderful two weeks off, and while it hurt getting up this morning, I'll be glad to get back into my regular routine. I will miss the holidays though!! My mom's birthday is tomorrow, so that always keeps the holidays going a little longer for us. She always said we weren't allowed to give up the Christmas decorations until after her birthday!

xoxx, Laura

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