25 Facts About Me

Happy Friday! Tomorrow is my birthday (number 25 - I'll be a quarter-of-a-centry man now!) so I thought it would be fun to post 25 random things about myself so that you can get to know me better and maybe have a good laugh while you're at it.

  1. I'll park as far away as I have to from a building to get a pull-through parking spot.
  2. I'm a cat person. 😸
  3. Summer is my favorite season, and if I was God I'd make it at least 80° every day.
  4. I can't whistle, but my brother is amazing at it.
  5. Every time I see a flosser laying in a parking lot, I take a picture of it. I have hundreds, you should SEE my collection, I have over 200.
  6. When I was in fourth grade, I got to try out for Kids Jeopardy in D.C. (I didn't make it past the first round of tests, BUT I got to meet Alex Trebek so I still won.) 
  7. I only like black iPhones.
  8. I've been vegetarian since 2017, almost two years now.
  9. I was *that girl* in college whose boyfriend basically lived with her. Luckily my roommates liked Kenny so they never said anything about it. 😂
  10. I'm a VIRGO and I used to think astrology was a bunch of bull, but the more I learn about it, the more of a believer I become (don't leave, I swear I'm not crazy).
  11. I've never used a lawn mower.
  12. When I was two, I fell out of an (idle) Bronco and busted my lip, and I still have a scar from it that runs from my septum to the middle of my top lip.
  13. I think that Bohemian Rhapsody is the most annoying song on planet Earth.
  14. I never flew on a plane or left the United States until I was 24 years old. Funnily, I left the country (to the Bahamas via cruise ship) BEFORE I ever flew.
  15. Kenny and I met in our first college dorm, and had our first date the following year after matching on TINDER! 😂
  16. I grew up in a small family, I have a younger brother, two cousins, and an aunt and uncle. I have been so so lucky as to have been able to grow up with all of my grandparents living within 15 minutes of me, too.
  17. When I was little, I wanted a kitten SO BADLY and ended up getting lucky enough for a stray cat to have kittens on the floor of my Grandad's '57 Chevy Bel Air, so my parents finally agreed to let me keep one (and my grandparents kept the stray!).
  18. I like to work out, but I'm not athletic at ALL. I didn't even get put in during my high school powderpuff football game, hahaha.
  19. I majored in health sciences with a minor in chronic illness, but don't work anywhere NEAR the health field (I work for the same university that I went to school at!)
  20. When I was younger, we always planted a HUGE garden at my grandparents house full of zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers, and whatever other flowers we felt like planting from year to year, along with tons of tomatoes, beans, peas, cabbage, beets, zucchini, radishes, carrots, potatoes, squash, gourds, pumpkins, watermelons, cantaloupes, herbs... everything we could get to grow! We entered a ton of stuff in the county fair each year and always got a ton of ribbons. 
  21. If I could do anything, I'd run a cute, cozy bakery and spend my time behind a KitchenAid mixer developing new recipes. 
  22. Sydney Carver of Summer Wind is my favorite blogger of all time. I've followed her for the better part of ten years, and I didn't even know blogging was a thing before I discovered her. 
  23. Needles are my #1 fear in life, like I go into complete fight or flight mode when I see one. I did a mentorship study at a doctor's office when I was a senior in high school and whenever someone had to get blood drawn, I'd look down at the floor the whole time so I wouldn't get light-headed, hahaha. 
  24. I hold grudges majorly. If someone doe me wrong, I never forget.  
  25. My Instagram name, "@lkbakes" came from a nickname my that friend Jack called me back in high school. Now that it's my Insta handle, it's become my nickname from that. Even some of my friends' parents address me as LKBakes. 😂

This afternoon, I'm going to a local vineyard that I've been dying to try to pre-celebrate my birthday because tomorrow Kenny and I our friends' wedding, so exciting! I also have my wedding hair trial in the morning, so I'm glad to get to have my hair done nicely for the wedding and my birthday all in one!

I hope you have a great weekend, I plan on spending mine champagne drunk and doing whatever I want. Cheers!

xoxx, Laura

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