Home Decor Inspo

Happy Monday, y'all! Last weekend, Kenny and I moved into a new apartment, so I am deep in the throes of decorating and making it a home! I still have a LONG way to go, but we have most of the basics, so I'm doing some online President's Day sale shopping for some decorative items to bring everything together. I thought I'd share some photos from Pinterest that I've collected throughout the years that encompass the vibe that I want for my apartment. I'd describe it was "cozy botanical;" I like blacks and dark browns, warm neutrals, and off-whites, with pops of leafy plants and natural wicker. The photos I'm sharing aren't necessarily my exact interior design goals per se, more of the general vibe I'm looking to achieve. I hope you enjoy!

1. The botanical prints behind this bench are the entire backbone of my whole aesthetic. I've always LOVED those prints, Kenny got me a poster print of a magnolia and the color scheme of that print is everything I want in my home!
2. I love the fresh contrast of the white with the heavy wood table, and the look of the mirror with the thin frame.
3. I don't really ever take baths, but I LOVE bathtubs!
4. This is probably my favorite photo of all of these! I love the huge mirror, the table behind the couch, and the gorgeous greenery.
5. I love the look of the mirrors over the couch, it really opens up the room.
6. Porch goals, give me all the green!
7. Okay THIS tub I would take a bath in!
8. I love the cozy vibes here, I don't see lamps in kitchens very often.
9. Would you not DIE for these windows?! I love all the foliage surrounding this bedroom!
10. Throw a few plants in here, and it's perfect for me! I love the pops of color from the flowers.
11. The prints behind the bed are everything I want, plus you can never have too many mirrors.
Have a great week everyone!
xoxx, Laura

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