Recent Picks for Spring

I am so antsy for warm weather to get here, and I know I'm not the only one! All we can do for now is wait, so while I'm waiting I've been shopping for new pieces for spring. I thought it would be fun to share what I've picked up in anticipation of warmer weather, and also what's on my wishlist!

I mentioned on Friday that my family officially booked our beach trip for later this summer, so I've had that majorly on the brain! I got this swimsuit which I have in another color from last year and LOVE - it's the perfect one piece. I also look forward to wearing this under $50 linen shirt and shorts set - I've been eyeing sets like these for casual summer wear for the past couple of years, so I'm excited to have found one that's affordable and nice! 

If you've been around Shenandoah Sugar for any length of time, you know that I cannot resist a good sundress. H&M has some beautiful ones right now - I love this eyelet detail one, and this floral one would be perfect for Easter. Another thing I cannot resist: headbands! I couldn't pass this pretty block print one up.

Lots of pink on my wishlist right now! I LOOOVE this houndstooth cardigan, it's selling out everywhere! I also cannot resist a pink and red combo - this swimsuit is a must and I love this classic striped tee shirt for layering.

Two pairs of shoes are on my radar for spring - my friend SWEARS by these Hokas and has me totally sold on them. The other pair is these trendy big buckle Birkenstocks - I never thought I'd be a Birks lover but here I am!

Did you do anything fun for Valentine's Day yesterday? Kenny and I had a lunch date which we very rarely do during the work week, and it was so much fun! We wore our matching Air Max 90 Love Letters which has become our Valentine's tradition, and I love when he matches shoes with me! In the evening, my dad came over and fixed a leak for me that was happening in our kitchen sink and I am SO grateful for him - I felt so bad that's how he spent his evening right after work but I know he was happy to help. I cooked my favorite vodka pasta recipe for our Valentine's dinner which was amazing, and I look forward to eating the leftovers tonight. 😋

xoxx, Laura

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