Trend Spotlight: The Leopard Midi Skirt

It's September now, which means that we can finally start talking about fall fashion. (I have very strict standards on when discussing fall fashion is appropriate - NO sooner than September first.)

Leopard midi skirts may be the hottest trend for fall this year, I feel like I just woke up one day and suddenly saw them EVERYWHERE. But before I say anything else, please take a look at this Instagram account.

...Are you back? Did you laugh? I know right. So if you follow any number of fashion bloggers, then I'm sure you've seen the leopard midi skirt on just about everyone. If you haven't, here you go:

Jazy Goh | Town and Key | A Mix of Min
Rochelle Johnson | Pastels & Pastries | Chic Veronique

I have mixed feelings about the trend! Seeing everyone out there pairing it with their wannabe-vintage band tees featuring groups they couldn't even name three songs by kind of turned me off. HOWEVER, I think they're so cute with a moto jacket, chunky sweater, or just a plain tee, and I love the look of midi skirts with knee-high boots.

As with any wild trend, there are a TON of options available right now at all different price points. I'm still on the fence on whether or not I'm into the trend myself, but that doesn't mean I can't LOOK, right?? Here are my top ten budget-friendly leopard midi skirts on the interwebs right now: 

One | Two | Three
Four | Five | Six | Seven
Eight | Nine | Ten

Oh, what the heck, I want one now. So off you go! Into the world of fall trends! Don't come back until you're sporting a leopard midi skirt and a PSL in hand while you're at it! Love you, bye!

xoxx, Laura

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