Spring Candle Picks

In my opinion, spring is the worst season for candles! There are always a lot of overly floral or sweet scents out there, so today I wanted to share my recent spring candle picks if you're not into the "typical" spring scents.

Opalhouse Crystal Flora: This is the only non-Bath & Body Works candle on my list so I wanted to include it first! This isn't your average floral fragrance, it's super fresh and inviting. The notes are bergamot, floral, and lemon, although it doesn't necessarily smell citrusy in my opinion, just fresh. It reminds me of how a cute boutique in Charleston would smell. 

Bergamot Waters: This is one of my year-round go-to scents - but it's especially good for spring! It's very fresh and light, it reminds me of Light Blue from Dolce & Gabbana.

Palo Santo: This one is another one of my go-tos at any time of year - it's a great woody, slightly smoky scent but it's not super strong.

Hibiscus Waterfalls: This has got to be my favorite spring candle, I purchase a few each year! It's very light and fresh with uplifting floral notes, but doesn't smell blatantly floral. The scent carries well but isn't overpowering.

Sunset Desert: This scent is new to me but it reminds me a lot of my very favorite Target candle, Cranberry Patchouli. It has notes of peppercorn, pomegranate, and patchouli. The scent itself is very unique but the throw isn't super strong so it isn't overpowering.

Blue Bungalow: This scent is also new to me this season - the notes list salted sea breeze, beachside eucalyptus, and floral shores. It's very fragrant and reminds me of a perfume I would wear.

Ebony Sands: This is the last new-to-me scent, it's very woodsy and masculine with notes of ebony wood, tobacco petals, and warm tonka. The throw is pretty light, so you can burn this one in a smaller room without the fragrance becoming unbearable. 

Lavender Cedarwood: I love lavender scents for bedroom or nighttime relaxation scents, and I primarily burn them in the springtime. This one is a perfect 50/50 mix of lavender and cedarwood!

Lavender Vanilla: This is another great relaxation fragrance, it's essentially a slightly sweet lavender scent.

I hope you all had a great weekend! Kenny and I had our first "real" weekend together in several weeks so we made the absolute most of it! On Friday evening I went to my parents house to have a wine night and catch up and Kenny met up with us after work, then on Saturday we had ourselves a DAY - we did a morning hike, then went shopping, then ended the night with dinner at one of our very favorite restaurants. Those are always my favorite days!

xoxx, Laura

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