What's in My Amazon Cart

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My Amazon cart is basically my junk drawer. 😂 I am constantly adding things to my cart that I may or may not ever buy. I thought it would be fun to share some things that I recently added to my cart because I always love seeing what people are buying on Amazon!

  1. Gemstone station necklace: I've been very into station necklaces recently - I love this multicolored one and I also love that the stones vary in shape.
  2. Shower mist: My friend recommended this to me - it's what the Ritz Carlton uses in their spas!
  3. Swimsuit: All of my favorite swimsuits are from Amazon (read my roundup of them here) and I'm in the market for a pink one!
  4. Wine glasses: I'm a sucker for fun glassware - these oversized red wine glasses are too fab.
  5. Ramen: I'm an instant ramen connoisseur and this kind has been my favorite lately!
  6. Dress: This looks like gorgeous alternative for an Alemais dress, but I question the quality so that's why I haven't ordered it yet.
  7. Curcumin supplement: I've heard a ton of good things about taking curcumin for it's anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is the root of many chronic illnesses (that was my minor in college!) so if this does any good in the long run I think it'd be worth it. I've taken other brand in the past but I appreciate that this one only requires one softgel per dose, the one I currently take is three per dose.
  8. Candle warmer: I know that people love their candle warmers, so I don't know why I've been on the fence about trying one! They seem too good to be true to me - how can they make your candle smell as good as lighting it?? If you have one and love it let me know!
  9. Dry shampoo: I've seen some buzz about this dry shampoo and I'm interested in putting it to the test, especially since it's on the more affordable side!
  10. Tennis skirt: I love wearing tennis skirts on walks in the summer - this one is similar to a Lululemon one but I like the waistband on the Amazon one more, plus it's about 1/4 of the price!
  11. Silk scarf: This is a very similar style to an Hermes scarf (like, basically a knockoff 😂) but at a way better price point. I have a few Amazon silk scarves and they're all quite nice for the price.

I hope you're having a great week! I've had kind of a series of unfortunate events this week, so I hope the rest of the week goes better. 😂 I am off work Friday, so at least it's a short week. The weather for the past few days has been gorgeous so I've been enjoying spending time outside, especially since the time change has the sun setting later!

xoxx, Laura

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