Puff Sleeves

Happy Friday! I hope your week has been great. It somehow feels like it was both long and short, but either way, we made it!

Similar top here, here, here, and here | Similar skirt here, here, and here | Headband | Shoes | Bag

Are you loving puff sleeves as much as I am? I have a handful of fun puff sleeve pieces, but still couldn't resist this cute little top. I think it'd look great with jeans like Meagan Brandon styled it here! It's sold out, but I found a bunch of cute, affordable, similar options that I linked at the bottom of the post!

Ditsy floral prints are always in style, but I feel like they're particularly prevalent right now. They're nice since they usually contain a bunch of colors so you can pair them with a lot of different things! I'm looking forward to pairing this skirt with some rust orange sweaters and boots when it gets cooler out.

Back at it again with the heeled sandals - I swear these are the best! They're easy to walk in, and I can wear them for a LONG time without them getting uncomfortable. I never hesitate to wear these on days out or vacations when I know I'm going to be doing a lot of walking. PLUS they make your legs look longer!

I hope you have a great weekend! I'm heading to Maryland today to celebrate a bachelorette weekend for one of my dearest friends. I hate that this has ended up being such a weird and difficult year for brides and wedding planning, but we're going to make the most of it and I know it'll be a blast!

xoxx, Laura


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