5 Clothing Tools You Need for Sweater Weather

Wellp, it's officially sweater weather! I hate the cold, but I love sweater so thank goodness for them. Over the years, I have accumulated quite the excessive collection of sweaters, and I *lit-erally* couldn't live without a single one of them.

Sweater | Jeans | Boots | Hat | Bag
If you're a fellow sweater lover, then you'd better be taking care of your sweaters! Whether it's an expensive cashmere piece that you want to keep in good condition, or a cheap acrylic one that you want to extend the life of, then these tools are for you.

1. Sweater shaver: If you have sweaters but don't have one of these, then what are you even doing?? It does just what the name states, shaves the fuzz and pills off of sweaters. You can use them on fabrics as densely knit as sweatshirts (Kenny even uses it to remove pills on the inside of the heels of sneakers). In a pinch, you can also use an actual razor (like, the same one you use for your legs), but we're not barbarians here.

2. Knit picker: Nothing is more disheartening at glancing down at the sleeve of one of your favorite cable knits and noticing a gnarly pull in the stitches. No!!! Well worry no more, because there is a tool to help reign in even the gnarliest of pulls. You just open the clasp, stick the hook through the sweater from the inside out, loop the pull through the hook, close the clasp, and pull the pulled thread back through the sweater. The pull will still be there, but it will be inside of the sweater and invisible while you are wearing it. Like a magical disappearing act!

3. Seam ripper: Okay sounds (and looks) a little violent, but this is the best solution for removing an unwanted tag without risking it with scissors and also leaving a stub behind. I like using this for sweaters, scarves, and anything in between that has an itchy or unsightly tag.

4. Lint brush: LINT ROLLERS SUCK, never buy another one again! Seriously, they work for like one single roll before the sticky wears out and leaves pet hairs and lint and God knows what else behind. If you want a lint removal device that actually removes lint, get a lint BRUSH. It works every time, it doesn't wear out, and you don't have to throw a worn out sticky layer away every four seconds. Save the turtles, and your linty clothes!

5. Delicates bag: You HAVE to remember to protect your delicate sweaters while they're in the wash (because let's be real, who actually hand washes these things?) Throw 'em in the wash on the delicate cycle in a delicates bag for an extra layer of protection, and let the wonderful creation that is the washing machine do what God made it to do. (It's also useful for bras and other smaller things you don't want getting entangled with everything else in your load.)

I hope you've had a great week! I am BACK from my trip to Vegas today, and glad to be home. I'll update you on everything I got into during my travels soon. For now, I'm gonna REST! Even though it was a quick trip, that three hour time different was still a trick. I hope you have a restful weekend, and I'll see you next week!

xoxx, Laura

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