It's Fall, Y'all! 🍂

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Similar shirt dress, also love this one and this one | Similar sweater | Similar boots | Bag (also herehere)

It's officially fall, y'all! See what I did there? The boots?? Okay, I'll stop. Now that the calendar tells me that fall has *officially* arrived, I'm leaning into fall fashion wholeheartedly, although I already miss my seashell printed sun dresses! 

I say this often, but when it comes to transitional dressing I always go back to basics. With this outfit, you just need a white shirt dress and your favorite oversized sweater to create a chic seasonal look! I paired this with my cowboy boots, which I'm so happy are trending again! I've had this pair for over 10 years and there have been times where I've considered passing them along during closet clear outs, but I'm so glad I never did - I definitely won't at this point because they always come back around! 

I hope you had a great weekend! Kenny and I have been away on a combination anniversary/birthday trip, and I look forward to recapping you on that soon! In the meantime, see what I packed in Friday's post.

xoxx, Laura


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