February Favorites

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Happy March! March is historically my LEAST favorite month of the year due to the inconsistent weather, and we've been definitely feeling that this week. 😂 After a shorter month, I have a slightly shorter favorites list than usual but a good one nonetheless! 

    1. Straw bucket hat: This $20 bucket hat is amazing, and stands up to others that are five times the price. I know I'll be reaching for it all summer!
    2. Clover necklace: I've been looking for an affordable long gold pendant necklace to layer with other necklaces and over turtlenecks, and this one is perfect! I like that the clover hangs asymmetrically. It's available in a few more pendant options if the clover isn't your thing!
    3. Harney & Sons tea sampler: I go through phases with tea drinking, so this set is a great way to have a variety of teas on hand without having 25 different boxes in your pantry - it comes with 14 different teas including herbal, green, and black. 
    4. Straw basket bag: I am a straw bag enthusiast, and have owned several over the years. my very favorite one that you've seen me wear in many blog posts is starting to wear out, so I ordered this one as a replacement and I was blown away by the quality. This is easily the nicest basket bag I've owned, and very affordable. You'll be seeing it a lot this spring and summer!
    5. Lip balm: I am a lip balm enthusiast and love trying new ones, and I have been loving this one! It's in the same packaging as the Laneige Lip Glowy Balm but isn't really a dupe - it has a slightly thicker consistency and a less glossy finish, but it's a great balm especially for the price. 
    6. Chalcedony ring: I was recently browsing chalcedony jewelry and landed on this ring. I love the color, it reminds me of sea glass and it will be perfect for summer! It is even more beautiful in person, along with being thick and heavy and great quality. I appreciate that it comes in small sizes so you can get it as a pinky ring.
    7. Sneakers: I was so curious about these sneakers when I saw Whitney Rife recommend them! They're so similar to Hokas for only $23 which is crazy... They have GREAT reviews so I had to order a pair to give a try for my walks! 
    8. OPI "Aurora Berry Alis" and "Cajun Shrimp": I wore two of my all-time favorite nail shades this past month! I'm currently wearing Cajun Shrimp which might be OPI's most popular shade of all time - Kenny and I are going on a warm weather trip in a few weeks and I might wear the same shade back to back because it's just the perfect vacation color! 
    9. Watching: We finally had a good month for TV! Kenny and I watched the Entourage movie which was just as stupid as the show but we loved it. 😂 We've been enjoying the new White Lotus season so far, but I'm not as hooked yet as I have been with previous seasons (I miss Jennifer Coolidge!) We watched The Fox Hollow Murders documentary which was FASCINATING, I knew a fair amount about that case but the documentary was compelling and perplexing and I think it will lead to a domino effect of more people coming out with their stories. We also watched the new Gabby Petito documentary on Netflix which was good, but if you were super engaged with the case while everything was unfolding then a lot of the documentary will feel like old news. On the girly trash TV front, I've been enjoying the new seasons of The Kardashians and Love is Blind - I've seen people talking about how the new Love is Blind season is sooo boring and while it isn't the most exciting thing ever, I feel like we know what to expect from it at this point which is what is making people bored with it. 

I hope you're having a great week so far! I've been very busy and couldn't believe when I looked at the calendar that I had completely forgotten to post this post on Monday!! I have been slacking with posting lately but hope to get back to posting more frequently soon! 

xoxx, Laura

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